Yofit lets you book from a massive list of gyms and fitness studios, all while sitting at home. Gone are the days when you had to go and find gyms and fitness studios around you, Yofits map location services allow you to easily locate gyms and book with a tap of the button. Yofit members can use any gym and fitness studio on our platform and pay on an hourly basis and get 2 hours to workout wherever, whenever they want. This will help you save money and not put a dent in your wallet.
Key Features
- User friendly design and awesome user experience.
- Secure, scalable and performance centric.
- Technician, account setup.
- Broker account setup.
- Technician can search jobs.
- Easy contract assignment.
- Job Completion reviews and contract closing.
- Admin portal for hail chaisers to manage their platform.
- Map view to see hail chaisers members.
- User roles and security permissions.
- Member profile management.
- Secure REST API’s to transfer data into mobile applications.

Tools & Technologies Used
PHP Laravel, MySQL, Angular 5, Ajax, Jquery, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, XML, Ionic 3, Firebase, AWS, Invision

MS SQL server

Amazon Web Services, IIS

Interfaces Available
Web interface with responsive layout, Android Application, iOS Application